Hello! I am Rikki, aka Girl on Fire—Food & Fit Life Coach

I am a professional health coach, certified through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

I am so passionate about health, nutrition, and fitness because I have struggled with all three. I have been thin and I have been heavier; I have dealt with food intolerances and allergies, anxiety, PCOS and metabolic syndrome, plus more.

I am also a very busy mom who was tired of killing myself in the gym to never see the results I wanted. Feeling defeated, I finally decided to take charge of my life and nutrition and found my path to lifelong health and happiness.

I like to say I found what sets my soul on fire and the spark to ignite it and I will help you do the same! Whether you want to slim down, tone up, or simply get healthier, I will help you get there. Together, we will find your fit!

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How I Can Help You

Personalized Nutrition Plans

The Guidance You Need

Macronutrient plans that are catered to your specific goals and needs. This specialized service puts you on the right track to healthy eating and living. Get started today and take control of your life with these tools and techniques that will help you reach those goals the best way possible!

Weekly Check-Ins and Feedback

Keeping You Going

Virtual weekly check-ins with feedback and updates, along with 24/7 availability, will help keep you on track to achieving your goals. You are the only one who can ultimately make those goals a reality but I'm here to encourage and guide you every step of the way!

Lifelong Change

Never Diet Again

You won't find any fad diets or meal plans here. I teach a balanced approach that puts you in charge of your food. Nothing is off limits! I give tools and techniques to help you achieve a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Before long, you’ll become well-versed at making the best food-related decisions for your health and goals that will last a lifetime!


The results speak for themselves

"This amazing transformation happened in just a few short months. She worked hard, stayed diligent, and lost 24 pounds. She now feels confident and proud!"

-Kristi V.

"I've never stayed consistent with anything until now. I've lost 20 pounds and feel so much better about myself. Thank you for making it such a good experience!"

- Jessica S.

"I've reached my 50 pound loss and feeling really good about it. My husband can't believe the change in me, not just the weight loss but the energy I have now and I'm always feeling so good. There isn't a day that goes by that someone doesn't tell me that I look amazing. Losing the weight and being healthy and feeling great has given me the self-confidence that I have never had and it feels nice to love ME."

- Debbie V.

"You know what? I have this new love for eating and food. I actually enjoy the food I'm eating because I'm not worried about gaining weight. I know what my body needs for the day so when I eat, I really enjoy it and relish it. And carbs have never tasted so good because I know the right amount to have! It's soooo cool! My worries have decreased dramatically and I have such a better emotional relationship with food."

- Laurri S.

"I am a very private person, but today is special. I want to thank Rikki for giving me the right tools/guidance to literally save my life. Almost 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 advanced liver scarring. They set me up with a transplant team, etc. My doctor suggested to first try losing weight & then we would re-scan and move forward with treatment. In January, I finally decided to sign up with Rikki, and as of today I have lost 56 lbs! Today was the day for my liver scan. I've been a complete mess, dreading this appt. I am so happy & relieved to say that ALL of my scans are normal and my liver has repaired itself. (The PA was speechless and in awe). I know that it is 100% due to the fact that I chose to learn Rikki's program, lose the weight and change my life. I will be forever grateful to you, Rikki! Thank you SO much!"

- Suzie F.

"Thank you. Rikki I know it has only been 5 months since I have started this program but my life has changed so much my relationship with food is so much better now I ask myself are those calories worth it and that is a game changer for me mentally because I'm not telling myself I can't have anything. I'm just so happy all the time now and even that part alone is a huge win. I can't thank you enough 😊"

"After four amazing months with Coach Rikki I hit my goal this weekend!! Yay 😀 I haver learned so much and I'm excited to incorporate all of this into the future. I've never felt better and have Rikki to thank for that. Her awesome videos and her encouragement along the way really made the difference in keeping me on track. One of the biggest things I keep hearing her say is that we're in a marathon not a sprint. That really helped me out when I got discouraged. I knew that even when the scale went up I needed to keep at it and the process would work. And it sure did!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart Rikki! You're amazing 😍 🔥 💪"

5 Quick Tips to Lose 3-5 Pounds This Week!

Want to lose weight but don't have much time in your day? Follow these 5 tips and see results quickly!


5 Quick Tips to Lose

3-5 Pounds This Week!

Want to lose weight but don't have much time in your day? Follow these 5 tips and see results quickly!

Real-life solutions to make your weight loss journey easier.

Faster results from your exercise and fitness efforts without spending more time in the gym.