Taking Action to Beat Contemplation & Indecision

Nov 17, 2021
There are two things in life that can hold you back:
1) Contemplation 
2) Indecision.
Sure, you may want to take some time to think about some things, like buying a new car or buying a new house. But other things, such as your health should not be treated with either contemplation nor indecision, especially when it comes to changing your life, living more vibrantly, and getting stronger.
Getting the help you know you need. Doing the scary thing by walking into a training studio or gym. Taking the leap to get started in the first place. Taking one foot in front of the other and stepping into the fullness of your health potential-- it's what you deserve the most!
Don't let another year pass you by living in contemplation or indecision. Today is the day you can choose to take action now.
Truthfully, my most successful clients are the decisive ones. The action takers. The ones who ask for help. It's those people that see results,...
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How Are You?

Nov 17, 2021
Have you ever noticed how very common it is to ask and receive the question “How are you?”
And interestingly, I’d guess 95% of the time or better we answer with something like “fine” or “great”.
But how often do we answer this question honestly and vulnerably?
How often do we reach out and seek support in times when we’re not “fine?”
The world we live in today has more pressure, comparison, and visibility than we’ve ever had.
We’re more connected than ever before because of technology but at the same time, we’re the most disconnected we’ve ever been. As important as physical health is, it all starts at the root of your mental health.
One of the things about my work that I have a deep appreciation for is the fact that over the years, my clients have opened up to me thousands of times.
They’ve shared things they...
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Staying Fit When You Don't Have the Time

Nov 17, 2021
Over my years working in health and nutrition, I’ve worked with A LOT of clients.
I’ve had to really navigate what holds them back.
I’ve talked to hundreds of women about their struggles with weight. I know about
the fear of failing again, the fear of starting over, and the fear of falling off the wagon.
I know about the cravings and lack of knowledge of how/what to eat to get a lean
body that’s actually sustainable. I’ve watched them spend endless hours on
treadmills, working with trainers, and exercising with little to no return on their
time and energy investment.
And I’ve seen them give up time and time again.
After coaching hundreds of clients and learning about their biggest areas of struggle, several things stand out as major issues that cause setbacks or failures, but what the overlying issue boils down to is TIME. They just don’t have time.
I’ve been...
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The Problem with Dieting

Feb 18, 2020

Most diets work.

There, I said it. They work for a while.

They work while you have enough “willpower” to adhere. But you know something about willpower?

It’s finite. We can’t rely on it forever.

If you want a lean, healthy body for the long term, whatever you’re doing today needs to be something you can imagine yourself doing a year from now and beyond.

If you’ve ever had the following thoughts, you’re not alone:

“I’ll be happy when I weigh _______.” “I’ll be happy when I can fit into a size ________.” “When I finally achieve __________, I will go back to eating ‘normally’.”


These statements are what I refer to as the DIET MINDSET. It’s short-term focused and unsustainable.

Too often in weight loss, we have a restrictive mindset. We say “I can’t have that!” But what if we changed our mindset to one of abundance?

 What if you thought: “I get...

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5 Quick Tips to Lose

3-5 Pounds This Week!

Want to lose weight but don't have much time in your day? Follow these 5 tips and see results quickly!

Real-life solutions to make your weight loss journey easier.

Faster results from your exercise and fitness efforts without spending more time in the gym.